Posts in Adulting
It's a New Dawn and a New (Birth)Day

I’m reviving Plumb Creative to be a source of inspiration— ideas, tools, and resources to connect you to a life you love. To help you discover who you really are, discover purpose and joy in each day, to help you connect to your truest Self, and subsequently, to each other. To live a good story— a Life, Inspired.

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AdultingJulie Kirsten
"Do or Do Not. There is No Try.”

When we're kids, it’s easy to believe we are unstoppable. We have big dreams of being rebel pilots, princesses, or movie stars. To save the world from evil or get paid a lot of money. It seems the older we get, the less we believe in our own ability, in the possibility of achieving those dreams.

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All Things Must Pass

When the days are dark and it feels impossible to go on, remember, they shall not last. When a day is perfect and life feels like it couldn’t get any better, remember to savor it, for it too will come to a end.

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AdultingJulie Kirsten
When Choosing to Do Nothing Means Everything

I made a choice today to allow my son to have his feelings, to choose for himself, to be empowered, but I had not given myself the same option. I chose to blow off some of those tasks to sit and watch cheesy George Lucas one-liners with my kid, but I still felt bad about it. Until I realized that I needed the same grace and empathy for myself.

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Parenting is Hard (But is it Worth it?)

Whatever it is that makes us think we can raise another human being must be some kind of delusional chemical in our brains that whispers little lies to get us to believe this child rearing thing will be, if not necessarily easy, then at least worth it. But how much it’s worth I suppose is all a matter of perspective.

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AdultingJulie Kirsten
Echoes in Eternity

When I woke up that morning and found out he was gone, I wasn’t shocked. He’d been sick for a long time. The cancer had been slow to build but quick to take hold. But in the few months leading up to it, I didn’t take the time to see him, to connect with him the way we had done for so long. Our long nights of existential discussions had faded into our young adulthood. 

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AdultingJulie Kirsten
Not Real

Recognition for service is often met with humility, as if we don’t deserve to be shown appreciation for our efforts. It’s a story we allow others or even ourselves to be real instead of what IS real.

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AdultingJulie Kirsten
From Both Sides

What currently is, is. You don’t think about the fact it won’t last forever, because nothing does. But by the time you realize what is has now become what was, it’s too late to really savor it. And the moment has brought about something entirely new: the future.

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AdultingJulie Kirsten
Love with a Capital “L”

Maybe the world as a whole would be better off if we stopped thinking about what other people are doing “wrong”, and focus instead on how to love, how to heal each other’s souls. (Even in, or especially in moments of harsh opposition. Like elections. Or football.)

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AdultingJulie Kirsten
Down and Distance

Watching someone love something is enough to help you learn to love it yourself. And that first-and-forever might be fun to say, but isn’t a good way for the Seattle offense to start.

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AdultingJulie Kirsten